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[Re-opening] Serenity RP™ -Need Scripter- - Printable Version

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[Re-opening] Serenity RP™ -Need Scripter- - Forrest_Hillie - 11.11.2010

Serenity RP is about a year old server and used to have about a 25 player base before it shut down due to personal reasons. I'm looking to reopen the server but I need YOUR help. I currently need a Experienced Scripter
and a VERY good Mapper. Let's speak on MSN and see what we can work out.
You can reach me on MSN- We can talk more on MSN. Thank you!

Re: [Re-opening] Serenity RP™ -Need Scripter- - Steven82 - 11.11.2010

I never heard of Serenity RP™ before....wierd...but one thing, do you even have a script started or a server running/bought? Or anything? Or are you expecting people to do all those things above and you just be the owner?

Re: [Re-opening] Serenity RP™ -Need Scripter- - Forrest_Hillie - 11.11.2010

No. Sorry I didnt go into more Detail. I don't currently have a script. And I pay for the Forums and Server.

Re: [Re-opening] Serenity RP™ -Need Scripter- - mevi - 11.11.2010

never heard of the server before, you sure this isnt the fire time the server opens?

Re: [Re-opening] Serenity RP™ -Need Scripter- - Moglizorz. - 11.11.2010

Sounds to me like you want some people to come along and build you a server for nothing to me, more detail? What does the job involve?