C_Mail -
Cameltoe - 07.11.2010
- C_Mail
~ After a lot of requests i decided to make an simple but effective Mail script.
~ No plugins needed.
~ Only tested on Debian 5.
~ Simple and smooth. Does exactly what it should .. Nothing more Nothing less.
~ Pastebin - Include.v.1.2
~ Pastebin - Php file.v.1.1
How to:
~ Upload the php script to your host.
~ Edit the include file to match your host.
~ Put the include file inside '/pawno/include'.
~ Add the include to your gm by : '#include <c_mail>'.
~ Enjoy.
Editing the include:
Look into the include and look for the 'SendMail' Stock, and the format part, you will see theres 'localhost/index.php' this would be the path to were you uploaded your script Ex: sa-mp.com/index.php. Edit it to match your host.
pawn Код:
stock SendMail(reciever[], sender[], subject[], message[])
new string[128];
format(string, sizeof(string), "localhost/index.php?sender=%s&reciever=%s&subject=%s&message=%s",sender,reciever,subject,message);
HTTP(1, HTTP_GET, string, "", "MailResponse");
That's it.
~ g_aSlice.
~ SA-MP dev team.
~ Me .
Can't get it working? write an reply and let me know about your problem.
Re: C_Mail -
Luis- - 07.11.2010
Wow, Looks good
Re: C_Mail -
Cameltoe - 07.11.2010
Originally Posted by -Luis
Wow, Looks good
Thanks, simple and smooth. Does exactly what it should .. Nothing more Nothing less.
Re: C_Mail -
willsuckformoney - 07.11.2010
Nice, I seen something like this last month too. Also been seeing a lot of requests too.
Re: C_Mail -
Cameltoe - 07.11.2010
Originally Posted by willsuckformoney
Nice, I seen something like this last month too. Also been seeing a lot of requests too.
Could you link me please? I searched around couldn't find anything but request's.
Re: C_Mail -
asdfgh98 - 07.11.2010
Nice Include.
Re: C_Mail -
woot - 07.11.2010
You really should remove that hosted php file by you, it's extremely easy abusable to send spam e-mails and your IP will be blacklisted.
Other than that, there's already an include doing the same thing. Can't find it right now either ..
Re: C_Mail -
Cameltoe - 07.11.2010
Originally Posted by exora
You really should remove that hosted php file by you, it's extremely easy abusable to send spam e-mails and your IP will be blacklisted.
Other than that, there's already an include doing the same thing. Can't find it right now either ..
Not hosted by me at all
I'll also in an future version make the PHP script safer.
Re: C_Mail -
BLAbla93 - 08.11.2010
Wow this is a really interesting way to use that HTTP function nice job.
Re: C_Mail -
Haji - 08.11.2010
looks good.
Re: C_Mail -
Aleluja - 08.11.2010
Look good.
Re: C_Mail -
Cameltoe - 08.11.2010
Originally Posted by BLAbla93
Wow this is a really interesting way to use that HTTP function nice job.
Originally Posted by Haji
looks good.
Originally Posted by Aleluja
Look good.
Thanks all !! i will sooner or later update to prevent abusing.
Re: C_Mail -
Brian_Furious - 08.11.2010
Awesome, nice work...i'll use it
Re: C_Mail -
Scenario - 08.11.2010
This is pretty neat man, good work!
Re: C_Mail -
Cameltoe - 08.11.2010
Originally Posted by Brian_Furious
Awesome, nice work...i'll use it
Originally Posted by RealCop228
This is pretty neat man, good work!
Thanks, both of you !! Any suggestions?
Re: C_Mail -
WillyP - 08.11.2010
Didn't you make this because someone was put a topic about it? :S
Nice though.
Re: C_Mail -
Cameltoe - 08.11.2010
Originally Posted by [FU]Victious
Didn't you make this because someone was put a topic about it? :S
Nice though.
Yeah, iv'e seen a lot of requests for a mail script.. sa-mp forums is flooded by threads requesting a mail script.. so i decided to make one
This simple but yet effective script could also teach you how to use the http function.
Re: C_Mail -
WillyP - 08.11.2010
Originally Posted by Cameltoe
Yeah, iv'e seen a lot of requests for a mail script.. sa-mp forums is flooded by threads requesting a mail script.. so i decided to make one
This simple but yet effective script could also teach you how to use the http function.
Very good though, I will be using.
Re: C_Mail -
Cameltoe - 08.11.2010
Originally Posted by [FU]Victious
Very good though, I will be using.
tell me what you think, and maybe add some suggestions?
Re: C_Mail -
Slice - 08.11.2010
Good job on this. You should, hoever, encode the incoming data to avoid any issues (for example, using the ampersand (&) could cause havoc.).
I made this function for you:
pawn Код:
stock EncodeURL( szString[ ], iSize = sizeof( szString ) )
for ( new i = 0, l = strlen( szString ); i < l; i++ )
switch ( szString[ i ] )
case '!', '(', ')', '\'', '*',
'0' .. '9',
'A' .. 'Z',
'a' .. 'z':
case ' ':
szString[ i ] = '+';
s_szHex[ 8 ]
if ( i + 3 >= iSize )
szString[ i ] = EOS;
if ( l + 3 >= iSize )
szString[ iSize - 3 ] = EOS;
format( s_szHex, sizeof( s_szHex ), "%02h", szString[ i ] );
szString[ i ] = '%';
strins( szString, s_szHex, i + 1, iSize );
l += 2;
i += 2;
if ( l > iSize - 1 )
l = iSize - 1;
Simply run any incoming strings through that. Make sure you have enough space in the array, though.