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[FilterScript] A_GPS - Printable Version

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A_GPS - armyoftwo - 06.11.2010

My first release, I will keep this simple..
This filterscript is very simple, i made it in 5-10 mins. I just took it out from my gamemode.

You have 2 Commands: /creategps <Location Name> and /gps <LocationName>
Basically what it does with creategps you will create a gps place and it will insert all
required data in MySQL. And then a player can do /gps <Location Name> and an checkpoint
will appear and that's it, gps is ready.

By ArmyOfTwo

if you found any bugs, have suggestions feel free to post them here.

Downloads: - Pastebin ruined indentation

Re: A_GPS - iJumbo - 06.11.2010

nice but i have some checkpoint i have to stream it :/

Re: A_GPS - armyoftwo - 06.11.2010

Originally Posted by [ISS]jumbo
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nice but i have some checkpoint i have to stream it :/
You can fix that problem in few seconds.
Go to /gps command and paste
SetPVarInt(playerid, "Gps_Checkpoint", 1);
And under the OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint Callback paste ( THE CODE MUST BE ON TOP! )
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Gps_Checkpoint" ) == 1)
  SetPVarInt(playerid, "Gps_Checkpoint", 0);
  return 1;
And that's it.

Re: A_GPS - Auxxx - 24.11.2010

Looks like bugged, it creates all checkpoints into the Blueberry field...

Re: A_GPS - TopAz07 - 21.12.2010

new link please

Re: A_GPS - armyoftwo - 30.12.2010

Originally Posted by Auxxx
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Looks like bugged, it creates all checkpoints into the Blueberry field...
You have to connect it to MySQL database