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server gone crazy all of a sudden! - Printable Version

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server gone crazy all of a sudden! - The_Gangstas - 06.11.2010

nothings loading on my server after i restarted! its annoying help..

working fine.. restarted.. objects not loaded vehicles houses nothing!

but commands seem to work.. and u cnt talk unless u pm or whisper D:

serverffs problem, working fine on my pc.

Re: server gone crazy all of a sudden! - Robert_Crawford - 06.11.2010

Any errors acording to the logs and do you use a host?

Re: server gone crazy all of a sudden! - The_Gangstas - 06.11.2010

seems to be serverffs.. its working fine on my pc-.-

Re: server gone crazy all of a sudden! - Infinitas - 06.11.2010

You positive you have the same exact files that are on the VPS?
I suggest re-upload everything.

Re: server gone crazy all of a sudden! - Steven82 - 06.11.2010

ServerFFS fails, i say after your contract or whatever is up switch to KingJ or Volt-Host. Im serious anyways, yeah reupload all your stuff and try again is all i can think off like Infinitas said.

Re: server gone crazy all of a sudden! - Woet - 06.11.2010

Use plugins/gamemodes that are compatible with Linux, that it works on your Windows desktop doesn't mean it works with Linux servers.