this can work? - Printable Version
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this can work? -
iJumbo - 05.11.2010
i have a mysql system and i want to add a mail ceck.. i make a new row with default name is NoneMail
and all ok i get the var..
now how to ceck if is writed NoneMail send a dialog? i make this but no work
pawn Код:
GetPVarString(playerid, "Email",email, 100);
if(!strcmp(email,"NoneMail", true))
help me someone PELASE
Re: this can work? -
Miguel - 05.11.2010
pawn Код:
GetPVarString(playerid, "Email",email, 100);
if(!strcmp(email,"NoneMail", true))
// show dialog here.
Re: this can work? -
iJumbo - 05.11.2010
wtf ?! i know this lol but dont work -.-
Re: this can work? -
MadeMan - 05.11.2010
"not work" means what?
Re: this can work? -
iJumbo - 05.11.2010
dont get the NoneMail .. dont send any dialog
Re: this can work? -
playbox12 - 05.11.2010
pawn Код:
GetPVarString(playerid, "Email",email, 100);
if(strfind(Email, "NoneMail"))
// Show your dialog here
Also make sure the PVar has a variable, just print it out to make sure
Re: this can work? -
iJumbo - 05.11.2010
dont work .. the print is... mail is NoneMail|1 wtf is |1