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[FilterScript] [FS]Welcome Message - Printable Version

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[FS]Welcome Message - Devil001 - 03.11.2010

it's simple System
When player connect it Says Welcome to : <player name>
here is the Pastbin :
I hope you gone like it.
Best regards.

Re: [FS]Welcome Message - Kwarde - 03.11.2010

Nice filterscript for a first script. (I just guess that this is your first filterscript, am I right?)
But please note that now only the connected player will see: "Welcome to : PLAYERNAME"
To send an message to ALL the players, use "SendClientMessageToAll(color, message[])", so "SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN, string)"

Re: [FS]Welcome Message - Las Venturas CNR - 04.11.2010

Sorta looks like an edited version of the demo here:

Re: [FS]Welcome Message - dark_clown - 04.11.2010

true, but anyways if its your first release fw good work
its easy let me write it
new pName[MAX_PLAYERS_NAME],string[100];
format(string,sizeof(string),"welcome to %s",pName);
just wrote it my self

Re: [FS]Welcome Message - SampStunta - 04.11.2010

If you used the one that they just made (the poster not dark_clown) it wouldn't format the text to EVERYONE but only the person that just joined because they used SendClientMessage instead of SendClientMessageToAll

Re: [FS]Welcome Message - hadzx - 04.11.2010

uhhm put this

#define COLOR_GREEN 0x228B22FF

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
        new string[256];
        new playerName[24];
        format(string,sizeof(string),"Welcome to : %s",playerName);
      return 1;

Re: [FS]Welcome Message - sjvt - 04.11.2010

WTF string 256 for this? lawl.