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Eternal Roleplay - Looking For Scripters - Printable Version

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Eternal Roleplay - Looking For Scripters - Tim_Ethen - 02.11.2010

I am currently scripting my server from scratch. I am looking for some people to help me out with my project. In return for help scripter you will be able to get admin rights if you want to. If you are interested give me and PM or email me at . I am not making an edit. It is complete from scratch. You will get credit for scripting. Please consider join my team.

Re: Eternal Roleplay - Looking For Scripters - Steven82 - 02.11.2010

Well whats in for us besides Admin Level, would we get a cut of donations(if there were any?) or what?

Re: Eternal Roleplay - Looking For Scripters - Tim_Ethen - 02.11.2010

** Get Credit
** Right To Be Admin
** Get Premium Rights
** Will Get Some Money If Monthly Payment Is Payed Off ( Currently Free. Since I am running this off my computer right now )