How to attach ringtone to player? -
cywil - 30.10.2010
GameTextForPlayer(odbiorcaid, string, 15500, 3);
new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z;
GetPlayerPos(odbiorcaid, x, y, z);
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", PhoneRings[PlayerData[odbiorcaid][pPhoneMusic]-1]);
foreach(i, MAX_PLAYERS)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 10, x, y, z))
RingToneHandle[i] = Audio_PlayStreamed(i, string);
Audio_Set3DPosition(i, RingToneHandle[i], x, y, z, 5);
How to attach Ringtone to player position (ringtone walking with player)? This is my script, ringtone don't "walk" with player. Sorry for my bad English. Thanks.
Re: How to attach ringtone to player? -
Mauzen - 30.10.2010
I never used the audio plugin, but i think you have tu use a timer, that updates the sound and sets its position to the players position every 500-1000ms
Re: How to attach ringtone to player? -
cywil - 30.10.2010
Thanks, but I don't have idea how to do that... I never use timers. Thanks for help.
Re: How to attach ringtone to player? -
cywil - 30.10.2010
Can anybody help? It's very important. Sorry for double post. Thank You
Re: How to attach ringtone to player? -
cywil - 30.10.2010
Sorry guys, but I really need it. Mercy!!
Re: How to attach ringtone to player? -
Sinner - 30.10.2010
Originally Posted by cywil
Thanks, but I don't have idea how to do that... I never use timers. Thanks for help.
on top of your gamemode
pawn Код:
forward Timer(playerid); //Tells the compiler theres a function called "Timer"
Wherever you want it to update
pawn Код:
SetTimerEx("Timer", 1000, 0, "%d", playerid); //Timer will update every 1000ms, non repeating, has an integer as a type, will do this for playerid
function would be
pawn Код:
public Timer(playerid) //Function that will be called when you run the timer
That's in a nutshell how to use timers, read a tutorial about them if you still don't understand.
Re : How to attach ringtone to player? -
Amine_Mejrhirrou - 30.08.2011
amm now ther is Audio_Set3DPosition (Plugin made by Incognito)
i dont know how to use it yet but this is what u looking for i guess