My objects don't load untill close up but still faded - Printable Version
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My objects don't load untill close up but still faded -
Noss* - 29.10.2010
Solved - Used Streamer
Re: My objects don't load untill close up but still faded -
Robert_Crawford - 29.10.2010
Yah your possibly going to need a streamer if you need any help converting objects or something ill help.
Re: My objects don't load untill close up but still faded -
TheHoodRat - 29.10.2010
What streamer are you using?
If you are not using any, download MidoStream, I recommend it for it's speed.
Re: My objects don't load untill close up but still faded -
Robert_Crawford - 29.10.2010
Also change the draw distance on the objects play around with that cause the would be a reason why.
Re: My objects don't load untill close up but still faded -
Noss* - 29.10.2010
I put the .inc in my includes folder i compiled the .pwn i added it in my .cfg and restarted my server the objects still didn't load

am i missing something?
Re: My objects don't load untill close up but still faded -
Noss* - 29.10.2010
Any other streamer? Bump.