Rcon console - Printable Version
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Rcon console -
snac24 - 29.10.2010
Hello guys.
I'm Rcon admin in one server and I need the Rcon console.
If someone know how to start it, please to tell me.
I did this instructions, but it it didn't started ...
Re: Rcon console -
Mean - 30.10.2010
You can't, you can only acess RCON if you are the one hosting RCON, elseways you can only acces it in game with /rcon login [password]
Re: Rcon console -
Jefff - 31.10.2010
1. Open total commander press shitf + F4
2. After that type rcon.bat press ok
3. Next write rcon.exe IP PORT RCON-PASS close file and press Yes
4. Put this file in C:\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas
5. Open this file in that location and thats all