Weponz Counter Strike Battleship

**Counter-Strike Source For SAMP**
This is my 1st GM ive ever made,Its not much code but its simple with a totally unique theme/script.
Objects converted: 225
Vehicles converted: 94
Vehicle models found: 8
What Is It?
WCSBS is a "Counter-Strike" source for SAMP twisted with a unique "Battleship" theme.
Server Features?
*There are 2 teams
Counter-Terrorists and
*Massive map with 225 objects total! 2 Aircraft Carriers/Airstrip/Tank Island fully mapped!
*100+ health/armour pickups!
*100+ hydras/hunters/sea sparrows/sanchez/patriots/boats and tanks!
*Automatic x3 to x10 killing sprees!
*Admin base/Look tower with /abase teleport only for admins!
And More!
/rules (In-Game Rules)
/pc (Players Colors)
/tc [msg] (Terrorist Team Chat)
/ct [msg] (Counter-Terrorist Team Chat)
* [msg] (Sends Message To All (eg."Your Name" [msg])
/fail (Sends Message To All (eg."Your Name" Has Failed In A Rather Epic Way..)
/credits (Shows Gamemode Credits)
/change (Change Teams)
CT Carrier 1:
CT Carrier 2:
Terro Container Ship + Airstrip + CT Carrier 1 on left
Tank Island
Tank Island
Edge Of Tank Island Overlooking Both Carriers And Terro Container Ship In Horizon
Admin Base
Pastebin Link?
**NOTE: This GM Is Scripted With STRCMP the old code Wiki uses(Its slower then other codeing but this GM is only 896 lines and can be easily converted to ZCMD)**
Still Cant Install/Compile It?
Heres the ZIP file
NOTE: Read the "Read Me" from developers of streamer/anticheat on how to install them.
Once you install this GM with this streamer and anti-cheat it will work fine.
This script was
totally scripted & mapped by me!(Weponz)
Do not remove my credits!
Weponz Inc. 2010