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Need New Saving System :S ??? :O - Printable Version

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Need New Saving System :S ??? :O - <Weponz> - 25.10.2010

Ok i need a system that saves the fuel players steal from tanks with /stealfuel,I need some sort of saving sytem that saves/holds the fuel and thay can view the ammount with /fuel,And thay must be able to buy/trade with fuel,And iff possible turning the whole normal money sytem into a fuel system...Please give codes or big detail,Im lost with this and i have no idea where to start and i dont think im even explaining it properly :S

Thanks to anyone that can help me :S

EDIT: thay steal it on foot not in a car not at a fuel station but in checkpoints i already have coded...On foot

Re: Need New Saving System :S ??? :O - LegendNissanGTR - 25.10.2010

Why dont try a fuel system?

Re: Need New Saving System :S ??? :O - <Weponz> - 25.10.2010

Originally Posted by LegendNissanGTR
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Why dont try a fuel system?
Yah but i need em to be able to only steal on foot in checkpoints..

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