upload .dll to kingj.net - Printable Version
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upload .dll to kingj.net -
DiddyBop - 24.10.2010
I cant upload libmysql.dll to main directory of my server @ kingj.... i tried uploading it under a diff name, then renaming. and isnt alowed.. i need this file for my server to run...
Re: upload .dll to kingj.net -
Burridge - 24.10.2010
Ask KingJ via support ticket then.
Re: upload .dll to kingj.net -
Calgon - 24.10.2010
KingJ disallows plugin uploads by default. As Burridge said, create a support ticket and ask them to upload it for you.
Re: upload .dll to kingj.net -
DiddyBop - 24.10.2010
alrite. did.. thx
Re: upload .dll to kingj.net -
KingJ - 25.10.2010
A small note to anyone else who comes across this thread;
In your Game Server Setup email (which contains useful information which people tend not to read for some reason...) there is the following paragraph;
Originally Posted by Game Server Setup Email
Please note that the uploading of DLL files (plugins) has been disabled for security reasons. If you wish to install a plugin, please install it from the "Game Mods" section of the Game Control Panel. If you do not see your plugin listed there, please open a support ticket and we will install it for you.
Equally, if you are having problems after having installed a plugin from the Game Mods section please open a support ticket. The OP for this thread did such a thing and their issue has now been resolved.