- Error: 001 ( - Error: 017 - Error: 020 - Error: 021 NEW - Error: 029 - Error: 032 - Error: 033 - Error: 035 NEW - Error: 037 NEW - Warning: 202 - Warning: 203 - Warning: 204 NEW - Warning: 217 - Warning: 215 NEW - Warning: 219 NEW - Fatal Error: 107 NEW |
enum testenum
new testvariable[testenum];
enum testenum
new testvariable[testenum];
enum testenum
new testvariable[testenum];
enum testenum
new testvariable[testenum];
enum testenum
new testvariable[testenum];
enum testenum
new testvariable[testenum];
new test[2;
new test[2];
new te?st;
new test;
new test[2]5];
new test 2];
new test 2;
new test[2][5];
new test[2];
test = 1;
new test;
test = 1;
new ?test;
new test;
new test;
new test;
new test;
new test[;
new test;
new test[2];
test[3] = 5;
new test[2];
test[0] = 5;
new test[2];
test = 5;
new test[2];
test[0] = 5;
SendClientMessage("playerid", 0x000000FF, "This is a test message!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x000000FF, "This is a test message!");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x000000FF, "This is a test message!);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x000000FF, "This is a test message!");
test(2, 5, 7);
test(int1, int2)
// stuff
test(2, 5);
new test;
// stuff
new test;
test = 0;
// stuff
new test;
test = 1;
new test;
test = 1;
if(test == 1)
// Etc..
test = 1;
new test;
test = 1;
if( strcmp( cmdtext, "/test", true ))
if( something == somethingElse )
{ somethingMuchElse; }
return true;
if( strcmp( cmdtext, "/test", true ))
if(something == somethingElse)
return true;
if( strcmp( cmdtext, "/test", true ))
{ //first part of code, no tabs
MyFunctionHere; //pawn uses 4 spaces for one tab. This is after a opening bracket, therefore we enter one tab.
if( something == somethingElse ) //here is another statement, but followed by a bracket, so the bracket won't be indented.
somethingMuchElse; //this, on the other hand, is after a bracket, therefore we indent with another tab.
} //the bracket is closed, therefore we go back to the column where the bracket is positioned (indented).
return true; //still the same column, since there are no more opening-brackets, and no statements.
} //closing this part of code - go back to the first column
public TestFunction()
new test;
new test;
test = 1;
public TestFunction()
new test;
test = 1;
if( strcmp( cmdtext, "/test", true ))
if( something == somethingElse )
{ somethingMuchElse; }
return true;
if( strcmp( cmdtext, "/test", true ))
{ //first part of code, no tabs
MyFunctionHere; //pawn uses 4 spaces for one tab. This is after a opening bracket, therefore we enter one tab.
if( something == somethingElse ) //here is another statement, but followed by a bracket, so the bracket won't be indented.
somethingMuchElse; //this, on the other hand, is after a bracket, therefore we indent with another tab.
} //the bracket is closed, therefore we go back to the column where the bracket is positioned (indented).
return true; //still the same column, since there are no more opening-brackets, and no statements.
} //closing this part of code - go back to the first column
new string[128];
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
new string[128];
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/msg", true))
format(string, sizeof(string), "%i", 42);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, string);
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
new string[128];
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/msg", true))
new string[128];
format(string, sizeof(string).......... //You get the rest
C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\pawno\include\JunkBuster.inc(3240) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint") C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\pawno\include\SpikeStrip.inc(27) : warning 219: local variable "panels" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\pawno\include\SpikeStrip.inc(27) : warning 219: local variable "doors" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\pawno\include\SpikeStrip.inc(27) : warning 219: local variable "lights" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\pawno\include\SpikeStrip.inc(27) : warning 219: local variable "tires" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\gamemodes\greenzone.pwn(3213) : error 001: expected token: "}", but found "-string-" C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\gamemodes\greenzone.pwn(3214) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\gamemodes\greenzone.pwn(12667) : warning 209: function "AddFlitsPaal" should return a value C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\gamemodes\greenzone.pwn(15755) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\gamemodes\greenzone.pwn(20307) : error 021: symbol already defined: "OnPlayerUpdate" C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\gamemodes\greenzone.pwn(20312) : warning 213: tag mismatch C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\gamemodes\greenzone.pwn(30359) : error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string) C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\gamemodes\greenzone.pwn(30359) : error 017: undefined symbol "CCF83C" C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\gamemodes\greenzone.pwn(30359) : error 017: undefined symbol "Multumiri" C:\Documents and Settings\Vero\Desktop\Betivii\gamemodes\greenzone.pwn(30359) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 8 Errors.
new Mensagenscima[13][128] ={
"Aviso: Chame seus amigos para jogar aqui, vocк ajudarб o servidor a crescer !",
"Aviso: Nгo sabe quem й vip ou socio? /vips /socios!",
"Aviso: Novato ? Precisa de Ajuda ? USE: /relatorio",
"Aviso: Nгo tem nosso IP nos favoritos? IP:",
"Aviso: Nгo sabe nosso ID do RAIDCALL ? ID: 5401826",
"Aviso: Deseja mudar seu estilo de andar ? USE: /andar",
"Aviso: Estб perdido no meio do nada ? Use seu moderno /gps",
"Aviso: Seja VIP Armas Exclusivas e ajude-nos a crescer! /Forum",
"Aviso: Precisando de ajuda ? Digite /ajuda",
"Aviso: Nгo sabe nosso ID do RAIDCALL ? ID: 5401826",
"Aviso: Para ver os Advogados Online USE: /advogados",
"Aviso: Nгo tem nosso ID nos favoritos? IP:",
"Aviso: Visite Nosso Forum e compre sua vip :http://br-crazylife.forumeiros.com";
C:\Users\Marcos\Desktop\MundoNovo.pwn(881) : error 001: expected token: "}", but found ";"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
1 Error.
C:\Users\krste\Desktop\Tomato RPG Macedonia\gamemodes\DreamTeam.pwn(4374) : warning 208: function with tag result used before definition, forcing reparse C:\Users\krste\Desktop\Tomato RPG Macedonia\gamemodes\DreamTeam.pwn(4402) : warning 208: function with tag result used before definition, forcing reparse |