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[Help] Day and night problem - Printable Version

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[Help-SOlved] Day and night problem - Rainbow_Six - 22.10.2010

Ok so my server is a GMT+3 server and when in my country is night in my server is daylight and I want to make when in my country is day the server does the same and the night also ... any ideea of what it may be ? I know its a n00bish question

Oh and the clock is the same as in my country but the day/night are so f***ing wrong

Respuesta: [Help] Day and night problem - The_Moddler - 22.10.2010

Look for SetWorldTime.. or SetPlayerTime.

Re: [Help] Day and night problem - Rainbow_Six - 22.10.2010

May this be the problem new wtime = 15; ?

If yes how can I set it to correspond with GMT+3 ?

Re: [Help] Day and night problem - Kwarde - 22.10.2010

Try this

new wtime = 15+2; or new wtime = 15+3 - idk in what GMT sa:mp is working. I guess just on the place where the server's located..
If it's standard 'GMT+1' it should be +2
Or whatever, Just try something out - And by 'gettime' use this. no wait, I'll make an example

pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>

new hours,minutes,seconds;

forward UpdateTime();

public OnFilterScriptInit()
    SetTimer("UpdateTime", 1000, true);
    return 1;

public UpdateTime()
    gettime(hours+2, minutes, seconds); //or: gettime(hours+3, minutes, seconds); Just try out
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++){
            SetPlayerTime(i, hours, minutes);
    return 1;
Is this what you want?

Rainbow 6 Vegas is cool xD

Respuesta: [Help] Day and night problem - The_Moddler - 22.10.2010

Or make your own time script without gettime..

Re: [Help] Day and night problem - Rainbow_Six - 23.10.2010
