SAMP Server - Printable Version
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SAMP Server -
Danidan60 - 20.10.2010
I Finished The .cfg and the Pawno bit i click Samp-server it went great i had to open it with my laptop password and it went great but when i add my ip adress on it it says (Retrieving Info)(ip)
Can some one help me please?
Re: SAMP Server -
scripter1 - 20.10.2010
Are you sure your entering the right IP? If your hosting it from your own computer you use your
internal IP. If you want somebody else to connect to your server you give them your
external IP.
Re: SAMP Server -
Dj_maryo1993 - 22.10.2010
Try doing an 'port foward' on the 7777 port if you have an rooter /modem with firewall .
Re: SAMP Server - TheInnocentOne - 22.10.2010
If you're running the server on the same computer you want to play SA-MP on, then just add the IP address