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Problem with getclosestcar - Printable Version

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Problem with getclosestcar - JulietaZ - 18.10.2010

I just wanted to test some stuff before do something with this code, but for some reason it allways returns ID -1 and the distance its like 11600(and then numbers that changes) even when im inside the car it gives a really long number, isnt supossed when im very closer to the car it must have distance 0 or something?....

if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/test", true)==0)

new carids = GetClosestCar(playerid);
new Float:dist= GetDistanceFromPlayerToVehicle(playerid,carids);
new stringa[256];
format(stringa, sizeof stringa, "Distancia a vehiculo mas cercano: %i Id:[%i]", dist,carids);

SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xCCFFDD56, stringa);
return 1;


Respuesta: Problem with getclosestcar - The_Moddler - 18.10.2010

pawn Код:
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/test", true)==0)
    new carids = GetClosestCar(playerid);
    new Float: dist = GetDistanceFromPlayerToVehicle(playerid, carids);
    new stringa[256];
    format(stringa, sizeof stringa, "Distancia a vehiculo mas cercano: %2.f Id:[%i]", dist, carids);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xCCFFDD56, stringa);
    return 1;
There you go.. ahi tenes

Re: Problem with getclosestcar - JulietaZ - 18.10.2010

thanks, but why the car ID is allways -1 ? thats important, im trying to make omething like a cmomand to spawn a car, only if there is no cars closer to the player...but since it allways gives id -1 it will not detect any car closer so it will spawn cars anywais

Re: Problem with getclosestcar - JulietaZ - 18.10.2010

i have this version: (didnt maded this one)

stock GetClosestVehicle(playerid) //By Darkrealm (edited by Gabrie "Larcius" Cordes)
if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && IsVehicleConnected(0))
new closestvehicle=0;
new Float:closestdist=GetDistanceToVehicle(playerid,0) ;
for(new vehicleid=0; vehicleid<MAX_VEHICLES; vehicleid++)
new Float:dist = GetDistanceToVehicle(playerid,vehicleid);
if ((dist < closestdist))
closestdist = dist;
closestvehicle = vehicleid;
return closestvehicle;
return -1;

Respuesta: Problem with getclosestcar - The_Moddler - 18.10.2010

Yes, it always returns -1 if there is no vehicle?

Use TheCrazyKiller stock.

Re: Problem with getclosestcar - JulietaZ - 19.10.2010

Not working stills does not gives the its 0

Re: Problem with getclosestcar - Babul - 19.10.2010

heres a working zcmd version - it takes 1, maybe 2 ms to finish:
	new TimerOld=GetTickCount();
	new VehID;
	new Dist,DistLower=8500,DistLowerSA;
	new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
	new Float:pX,Float:pY,Float:pZ;
	new XX,YY,ZZ;
	new sXX,sYY,sZZ;
	for(new v=0;v<MAX_VEHICLES;v++)
		if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,v)==1) continue;
	new TimerNew=GetTickCount();
	new string[48];
	format(string,sizeof(string),"Closest Veh:%d Dist:%d ms:%d",VehID,DistLower,TimerNew-TimerOld);
	return VehID;
have fun reinventing the wheel ^^

Respuesta: Re: Problem with getclosestcar - The_Moddler - 19.10.2010

Originally Posted by JulietaZ
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Not working stills does not gives the its 0
It gives you zero because there isn't a near car..

Re: Problem with getclosestcar - JulietaZ - 19.10.2010

it gives 0 even when im inside a car....XD...Im just trying to get distance between player and most closer car, but since this thing allways gives -1 or 0 then i cant use the distance function until i get the ID ..