SOLVED[Floats] -
armyoftwo - 09.10.2010
the fStock variable's value: 13.92
When i do this:
FactoryInfo[GetPVarInt(playerid, "InFactory")][fStock] -= 1.00;
Then it shows up as: 137853251231.00 can someone help me?
I use this format to show the value:
Re: floats -
hencz - 09.10.2010
if fStock in your enum marked with
Float: ?
Re: floats -
armyoftwo - 09.10.2010
yes lol, i said that it shows up as 13.92 before the -= 1.00
Re: floats -
Mean - 09.10.2010
I am not too good with pWars, i cant help you there
Re: floats -
armyoftwo - 09.10.2010
Originally Posted by Mean
I am not too good with pWars, i cant help you there
The pvars is fine, but the -= 1; is not
Re: floats -
legodude - 09.10.2010
new Float:minus=-1.00;
FactoryInfo[GetPVarInt(playerid, "InFactory")][fStock] -= 1.00;
and then use floatsub(tract) with the vars
Re: floats -
Voldemort - 09.10.2010
You print it wrong you want print decial as float or float as decimal, cant understand from your post that.
Re: floats -
Babul - 09.10.2010
GetPVarFloat, not GetPVarInt? ah silly me, an array calling this way aint possible ><
Re: floats -
armyoftwo - 09.10.2010
Babul, i dont need an float there example: InFactory = 1( factory id from wich i want to take off the 1.00)
Re: floats -
armyoftwo - 09.10.2010
Originally Posted by armyoftwo
Babul, i dont need an float there example: InFactory = 1( factory id from wich i want to take off the 1.00)
Originally Posted by Macluawn
did you even read what i said◘? i repeat again THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH THE GETPVARINT ITS JUST THE -1.00!! sorry for caps
Thanks legodude, i am sure that the function will work.
Re: floats -
Babul - 09.10.2010
i assume you want to it like this:
FactoryInfo[GetPVarInt(playerid, "InFactory")][fStock] -= 1.00;
FactoryInfo[1][fStock] -= 1.00;// nothing wrong with the PVar. it needs to be an Integer (to call an array indeed)
FactoryInfo[1][1] -= 1.00;//assuming any value 1 for fStock would do fine...
that makes me to ask you if you initialized it as a float? coz you store a float inside...
new Float:FactoryInfo[][];
if you print out an integer as a float, such huge values like 137853251231.00 are normal.
i suggest you to store the values as a float and later then you can print them out by using
format(string,sizeof(string),"%f",FactoryInfo[1][1]);//1 and 1 made it simpler to read
as you told us. is there any difference to the way you tried? or did i run into the same problem yet?
Re: floats -
armyoftwo - 09.10.2010
Yes i have the variable as a float, its in table. Float:fStock
And no i am storing them as floats not as integers
EDIT: fu** i just needed to convert the TakeOff = 1; to a float,
FactoryInfo[GetPVarInt(playerid, "InFactory")][fStock] -= float(TakeOff);