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[Tool/Web/Other] [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - Printable Version

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[Web | Script] In-Game Mailer - lolumadd - 09.10.2010

The time is here, you don't need to install any more plugins to mail straight from your server. There is a new script to do that for you.

In-Game Mailer
How To Get Started (3 easy steps):

1. Go to my website and register your own email account.
2. Download the include and include it in your script.
3. You are now ready to send email via pawn code! Just include "samp_mail" and that is all!

Functions and Callbacks:

Syntax: SendEmail(playerid, email[], password[], emailto[], subject[], body[]);

Example: SendEmail(1, "example", "password", "", "", "My first email!", "Hi! This is my first ingame email!");

Callbacks: OnEmailResponse(playerid, response_code, data[])

COMMAND:sendmail(playerid, params[])
new email[20],password[20],sendingemail[20],subject[20],body[128];
if(sscanf(params, "s[20]s[20]s[20]s[20]s[128]", email, password, sendingemail, subject, body)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FF, "USAGE: /sendmail [email] [password] [sendto] [subject] [body]");
SendEmail(playerid, email, password, sendingemail, subject, body);
return 1;

public OnEmailResponse(playerid, response_code, data[])
if(response_code == EMAIL_SUCCESS) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FF, "SUCCESS: The email has been sent");
return 1;


Hope you guys enjoy!


Due to people spamming through my site I decided to close it and release the source of my site.
if($_GET['mail'] == 1)
	$link = mysql_connect("localhost","mail","password");
	$query = sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `email`='%s' AND `password`='%s' LIMIT 1", mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['e']),mysql_real_escape_string($newpass));
	$access = mysql_query($query);
	if(mysql_num_rows($access) > 0)
		$message = wordwrap($_GET['b'], 70);
		mail($_GET['t'],$_GET['s'],$_GET['b'],"From: ".$_GET['e']."");
		echo "Message Sent";
SQL Dump:
-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `users`

  `email` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(300) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `users`
Now just edit the include where it says to your site name. Put this code in your site and voila.

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - Retardedwolf - 09.10.2010

A good example of the HTTP functions good work I guess?

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - Scenario - 09.10.2010

So what? We register once on your website then people can e-mail other people using our e-mail address we registered?

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - lolumadd - 09.10.2010

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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So what? We register once on your website then people can e-mail other people using our e-mail address we registered?
Yes, you register a username on that page. Then in the SendEmail function, put in the email username you created and put in the password that you made. It will send a email through the SendEmail function you used in the code. Taa dah.

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - Scenario - 09.10.2010

Originally Posted by lolumadd
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Yes, you register a username on that page. Then in the SendEmail function, put in the email username you created and put in the password that you made. It will send a email through the SendEmail function you used in the code. Taa dah.
I see... Pretty cool idea I suppose. Good work, bro! Do you plan to release advances to this script? Such as e-mailing from your own e-mail address? (

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - lolumadd - 09.10.2010

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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I see... Pretty cool idea I suppose. Good work, bro! Do you plan to release advances to this script? Such as e-mailing from your own e-mail address? (
Possibly, but I wouldn't recommend doing that, plus, ****** wouldn't be so happy.

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - Scenario - 09.10.2010

I suppose you're right. Although, it would be easy to log the e-mails people send out and then if the FBI has some stuff to say you can give 'em all they need. (I watch too much TV) Nice release though.

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - GaGlets(R) - 09.10.2010

Shit man , Now i can use register system via e-mail D Everywhere will need e-mail nowadays

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - lolumadd - 09.10.2010

Originally Posted by GaGlets®
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Shit man , Now i can use register system via e-mail D Everywhere will need e-mail nowadays
Yeah, I'm sure you can get a nice fancy activation email system from this service.

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - [HiC]TheKiller - 09.10.2010

I'm sure dracoblue made something that did this way back but it's a nice script. If you need help making the website a bit better then PM me.

Respuesta: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - MrDeath537 - 09.10.2010

Wow, nice, thanks.

Can you make a translator fs using ******'s translator?

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - ArihGold - 09.10.2010

One of the most original scripts i have seen in a few days

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - royal_king - 09.10.2010

nice i have registered but little confusing

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - gamer931215 - 09.10.2010

Wow thats awesome !

AW: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - asdfgh98 - 09.10.2010

It were awesome when you can post the Source Code of your Site

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - Memoryz - 09.10.2010

so now if your site goes offline or you never end up paying for hosting, others are going to be there with a problem because your site is offline.

Why not include the PHP mail script so others can use this freely

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - woot - 09.10.2010

This may be badly abused to send out loads of spam emails. Infact, good idea, but not for public release (since it uses your server).

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - Calgon - 09.10.2010

And with this I can simply visit

But replace the '%s' with the specific strings and spam people as much as I want.

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - lolumadd - 09.10.2010

Originally Posted by Calgon
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And with this I can simply visit

But replace the '%s' with the specific strings and spam people as much as I want.
The user will have to think about entering his email address to your server before he does it. Anyways, its not like this is the only program that can spam emails. If you actually wanted to spam an email address, there are millions of programs and sites out there that do just specifically that.

Re: [WEB | SCRIPT] In-Game Mailer - MyLife - 09.10.2010

How to check maill ? ;p