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tele to chiliad after death for 10 seconds ? - Printable Version

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tele to chiliad after death for 10 seconds ? - Rocky Balboa - 07.10.2010

as the player dies ... then when he spawns he goes to chiliad ...and then after 10 seconds he respawns aat the normal place ...i tried a timer ..but it wasn't working for everyone .. it was working only for playerid 0.

Re: tele to chiliad after death for 10 seconds ? - Dime - 07.10.2010

Use timer

Re: tele to chiliad after death for 10 seconds ? - [L3th4l] - 07.10.2010

under OnPlayerDeath:
pawn Код:
SetPlayerSpawn(playerid, CHILLIADCOORDS);
SetTimerEx("Respawn", 10000, "i", 0, playerid);


forward Respawn(playerid);
public Respawn(playerid)
    SetPlayerPos(playerid, YOURNORMALPOSCOORDS");
    return 1;

Re: tele to chiliad after death for 10 seconds ? - Lenny the Cup - 07.10.2010

SA-MP timers are inefficient, use this instead:

pawn Код:
SetPlayerPos(playerid, chilliadcoords);
CreatePVarInt(playerid, "DeathTimer", gettime()+10);
And put this in OnPlayerUpdate:
pawn Код:
if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "DeathTimer"))
    if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "DeathTimer") < gettime())
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, normal, spawn, coords);
        DeletePVar(playerid, "DeathTimer");
Good luck

Re: tele to chiliad after death for 10 seconds ? - Rocky Balboa - 08.10.2010

nop,the pvar didnt work ...and the timer instead of spawning me .. it spawned another person ... so that way failed too,is there another way ?

Re: tele to chiliad after death for 10 seconds ? - Rocky Balboa - 08.10.2010

btw .. can anyone explain me whats the "gettime()" is for and the "+10" is for and when you get hte pvar why is it "< gettime() "?maybe i made them wrong ?and where do it put the .. setpvarinit ? on playerdeath ?

Re: tele to chiliad after death for 10 seconds ? - Rocky Balboa - 09.10.2010

anyone ?

Re: tele to chiliad after death for 10 seconds ? - WillyP - 09.10.2010


public timername

code here