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Help { RafSTAR's Veh System } - Printable Version

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Help { RafSTAR's Veh System } - Danielo - 06.10.2010

Oh i will say what i have to say
I'm using RafSTAR's veh system
combined with CRP edit
when someone buys fuel or a car ( rafstar's system ) the moneys get - then they comes back
the system is using StrickenKid's Mysql Plugin
What should i do ?
Please help , anyway PM me if you know something about my probem.

Re: Help { RafSTAR's Veh System } - vection - 06.10.2010

I dont understand your problem. Anyway, the best way to fix this, try to build yourself system.

Re: Help { RafSTAR's Veh System } - TouR - 06.10.2010

Well my suggestion is to start from here.. Car system is a bit complicated for a beginer. Dont edit code your own scripts

Re: Help { RafSTAR's Veh System } - Mike_Peterson - 06.10.2010

offtopic:Who says hes a beginner >.> my acc was made in april 2009 and since july 2010 i started to comment more...
show me your piece of code where the fueling contains... so the code where the player gets fuel.

Re: Help { RafSTAR's Veh System } - Danielo - 06.10.2010

i'd pm you my msn , let's talk in there