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Portforwarding - Printable Version

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Portforwarding - Chandi - 06.10.2010 help didnt work out this is my webpage how my thing to edit for portforwarding look /imageshack/img178/8079/wirless.png Am i to ad anything to DMZ and virtual server? and this is the virtual server category /imageshack/img830/9290/newwireless.png so i need some TV or some reply advice or something if you can give me extra help more than pm add me at Please help D:

Re: Portforwarding - DarrenReeder - 06.10.2010

I've added you on msn, I can help. However, I am going to college now and i notice that this thread was posted quite a while ago...

I will probably speak to you on msn later today while i am at college or at home, whenever you are online....