Help with MYSQL, Avoid Dual Records? - Printable Version
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Help with MYSQL, Avoid Dual Records? -
almighty - 04.10.2010
Hey Guys... Me Again xD... Im triying to learn MYSQL.... Im using G-sTyLeZzZ Plugin...
im having issues with a register command im triying to make... i have this....
new query[256];
if(isnull(params)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_SERVER_WARNING,"[USAGE]: /REGISTER [PASSWORD]");
if(strlen(params) < 6) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_SERVER_WARNING,"[ERROR]: Password should contain at least 6 Characters!");
format(query,sizeof(query),"INSERT INTO `%s` (Username,Password) VALUES ('%s',md5('%s'))",SQL_TABLE,PName(playerid),params);
if(!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return AvoidSync();
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_SERVER,"Congratulations, You'r account is now registered!, Please Log In!");
PA[playerid][Registered] = true;
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_SERVER_WARNING,"[ERROR]: Registration Failed!");
return 1;
The thing is... I was wondering.... Is there a way to avoid dual registry?... So people with the same name cant register?.... I have tried to register... after restarting the GM... an it creates the Player, but it increases the ID so...
Re: Help with MYSQL, Avoid Dual Records? -
[HiC]TheKiller - 04.10.2010
pawn Код:
new name[24];
mysql_escape_string(Pname(playerid), name);
format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE Username = %s",SQL_TABLE, name);
if(mysql_num_rows > 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_SERVER_WARNING,"[ERROR]: This username is already registered!");
That should do it
Respuesta: Help with MYSQL, Avoid Dual Records? -
almighty - 04.10.2010
Thanks... its working.... it seems... i saw the tutorial on you sig... gonna use it.... :P... if you dont mind me asking these, there are a few funtions i dont really get... like... the "mysql_real_escape_string"... What is it for?... or whats the result stored on Mysql_store_result?... also... The part were you do the mysql_num_rows... it checks if in the database, from the query, has been found rows?
Re: Respuesta: Help with MYSQL, Avoid Dual Records? -
[HiC]TheKiller - 05.10.2010
Originally Posted by almighty
Thanks... its working.... it seems... i saw the tutorial on you sig... gonna use it.... :P... if you dont mind me asking these, there are a few funtions i dont really get... like... the "mysql_real_escape_string"... What is it for?... or whats the result stored on Mysql_store_result?... also... The part were you do the mysql_num_rows... it checks if in the database, from the query, has been found rows?
MySQL_Escape_Query makes it so that players cannot
SQL inject because if they do it could delete your whole table.
MySQL_Store_Result is just storing the information that you are trying to retrieve from the database.
MySQL_Num_Rows is checking how much rows the stored result returned. I made it more than 0 because if the mysql connection is down it's -1 and if there is no existing rows then it is 0.
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