[Map] Las Venturas Prison - Printable Version
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[MAP]Las Venturas Prison v2.5 Last Update. -
Tee - 03.10.2010
This is my first release ever. I hope you all like it and i hope to be doing more.
I used "strcmp" becasue atm i did not know zcmd, and thnx to TheToni, i was introduced to zcmd.
/prisoncmds (displays the prison commands)
/fgate (opens and closes the front gate)
/pgate (opens and closes the prison gate)
/odoor (opens and closes the office door)
/cgate (opens and closes the main cell gate)
How to install.
1. Download the Prison2.0.amx and pwn file and put them into your filterscript folder
2. Open server.cfg file and add Prison2.0 to the line which has the word filterscripts.
3. Then you are finished
Here are some pictures:

Over View^^

Angel View ^^

Angel View ^^


Office ^^

Sorry for the large pics.
Added /prison command for admins (Teleports you to the prison) (Only if logged into Rcon) 04/10/10
Redownload the Files
Last Update:
Fixed a small problem with some of the commands.
Commands are more efficient now.
Re: Las Venturas Prison -
<Weponz> - 03.10.2010
Nice Map! Ok For 1st Release..
Re: Las Venturas Prison -
royal_king - 03.10.2010
Nice map 9/10 yea this good for your first map
Re: Las Venturas Prison -
Tee - 03.10.2010
Thank you all. You guys make me happy.
Re: Las Venturas Prison -
Basicz - 03.10.2010
Great map.
Re: Las Venturas Prison -
sapsap - 23.10.2010
10/10 awsome map
Re: Las Venturas Prison -
Scenario - 23.10.2010
It's pretty nice as a first release, but you should find a different way to do the cell doors...
Re: Las Venturas Prison -
Plugy - 24.10.2010
Good work !
Re: Las Venturas Prison -
Noss* - 27.10.2010
Looks nice but a bit too crouded :/ 8/10
Re: Las Venturas Prison -
Tee - 16.11.2010
Originally Posted by RealCop228
It's pretty nice as a first release, but you should find a different way to do the cell doors...
I can do cell door but i am just lazy.