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TextDraw Colors - Printable Version

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TextDraw Colors - Memoryz - 03.10.2010

I need the colors for the background of textdraws, both red and black to be like 70% transparent.

How can I do that?

Re: TextDraw Colors - Mauzen - 03.10.2010

e.g. bright red would be 0xFF0000AA

Re: TextDraw Colors - MrDeath537 - 03.10.2010

FF   00     00    FF
red  green  blue  transparency
Red with 0% transparency

That's a example.

Re: TextDraw Colors - calin1996 - 03.04.2012

What is the color of the money from GTA?

Re: TextDraw Colors - Goldilox - 09.05.2013

Just goto

Re: TextDraw Colors - Johanson24 - 09.05.2013

I know this isn't answering your question fully but I used this and it's nice.

It has built in color editors aswell.