Connecting from ID1 (not ID0) - Printable Version
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Connecting from ID1 (not ID0) -
cywil - 29.09.2010
Hello. My English isn't good. I need to change first ID connect (default, first connection is id 0, I need that starts from 1, It's really important for my script).. or, how I can add empty bot (only for connection). Sorry, and Thanks!
Re: Connecting from ID1 (not ID0) -
RoCK'N'Rolla - 29.09.2010
Check tutorials, they might help you.
Re: Connecting from ID1 (not ID0) -
[XST]O_x - 29.09.2010
You can't set a players' ID,the only possibility is to add a bot that will connect as ID 0 before the player.
this tutorial, it might help.
Re: Connecting from ID1 (not ID0) -
LarzI - 29.09.2010
I know it's most possible not working, but wouldn't OnPlayerConnect(0); work.. ?