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2 Problems!! - Printable Version

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2 Problems!! - Hamza' - 28.09.2010

Alright, I got that command, it doesn't work tough, wondering what's reason
pawn Код:
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/changepassword1", true)==0)
        new string[128];
        format(string, sizeof(string), "%s", cmdtext[3]);
        new File:Pass1=fopen("Password1.txt", io_write);
        fwrite(Pass1, string);

        return 1;
I'm making small server, that NOONE can log in unless if he writes the ONE password which is in the file "Password1" which it is can be changed if someone writes /changepassword as stated above..

I want someone to make me some lines when in "OnPLayerConnect"
And don't worry about postion, or toogleplayercontrable, or smthing, just lines to get server detects a word in "password1" file, and allow the player connect in if he wrote that password.


Re: 2 Problems!! - Hash [NL-RP] - 28.09.2010

Use Dini, i've never seen anyone using a .txt

Re: 2 Problems!! - Hamza' - 28.09.2010

Then tell me the script, or make it to me