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Timer Time Issues. - Printable Version

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Timer Time Issues. - Code_Red - 26.09.2010

Hey Umm...
so ive set my timer for 1000 milliseconds and when it finishes it adds a point(please dont ask what point) problem is , its too fast for 1 second (and ive tested it) in one minute its giving more then 60 points

can you please tell me what to do?

Re: Timer Time Issues. - Mauzen - 26.09.2010

You could add the points with the timer + GetTickCount()

pawn Код:
new lasttick[MAX_PLAYERS];

public TimerFunc(playerid)
    if(GetTickCount() - lasttick[playerid] >= 1000)
        SetPlayerScore(playerid, GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 1);
        lasttick[playerid] = GetTickCount();
This will check in addition, if really more than a sec went since the player got his last point. So the max tolerance will be 1 point.

Re: Timer Time Issues. - Code_Red - 26.09.2010

hmm , thanks!

WORKS! thanks you.

Re: Timer Time Issues. - LarzI - 26.09.2010

Check it out