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[help] I can't fix this problem.. - Printable Version

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[help] I can't fix this problem.. - Gangste[R] - 26.09.2010

hello scriptes!

i tried to build Teleport system, with this system you can create teleports in the server..

but When you trying to do Command of the teleport it's says "SERVER:Unknow command" ..

this is my function

PHP код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext[1], GetTeleportFile(cmdtext[1]), true) == 0)
SetPlayerFacingAngle(playeridfile_Float(GetTeleportFile(cmdtext[1]), "FacingAngel"));
SetPlayerPos(playeridfile_Float(GetTeleportFile(cmdtext[1]), "PosX"), file_Float(GetTeleportFile(cmdtext[1]), "PosY"),
file_Float(GetTeleportFile(cmdtext[1]), "PosZ")); 

Re: [help] I can't fix this problem.. - Mauzen - 26.09.2010

What does/should GetTeleportFile(cmdtext[1]) return?
If it says unknow command, then it already fails at the strcmp

Re: [help] I can't fix this problem.. - Gangste[R] - 26.09.2010

PHP код:
stock GetTeleportFile(cmd[])
format(Stringsizeof String"Teleports/%s.txt"cmd);

it's returns the values in the file..

i think it's ok.

Re: [help] I can't fix this problem.. - Gangste[R] - 26.09.2010
