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Incoginto's plugin problems? - Printable Version

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Incoginto's plugin problems? - popben - 26.09.2010

Well i recently had to update my objects from xObjects to Incoginto's Plugin. but..

When i complied it no errors etc. i go ingame and this shows up but the chickens spawn and work good. but nothing else in the server does. its werid.

Im unsure how to fix this? thanks.

Re: Incoginto's plugin problems? - Retardedwolf - 26.09.2010

Update to the latest streamer version.

Re: Incoginto's plugin problems? - popben - 26.09.2010

It is the latest.

Re: Incoginto's plugin problems? - Dimaxa_Demon - 26.09.2010

I have the same problam... I sink this problam there because i use samp0.3b and it olready had the streamer... AND how to fix this?

Re: Incoginto's plugin problems? - cyber_punk - 26.09.2010

Are you sure you don't have a view distance set? I use Incognito's streamer and my server runs 0.3b and I do not have that problem.

[EDIT] Streamer version 2.5 (and on Linux)

Re: Incoginto's plugin problems? - popben - 26.09.2010

How do i find out if i have a distance set?

Re: Incoginto's plugin problems? - Stefan_Toretto - 26.09.2010

Are you useing Incognito v2.3.8 or v2.5?

Re: Incoginto's plugin problems? - popben - 26.09.2010

2.5 ....

Re: Incoginto's plugin problems? - popben - 26.09.2010


edit - double posted sorry