[GM] Los Santos Gang War by LethaL (Working gang areas /turfs!) -
LethaL - 24.11.2007
This Is my Los Santos gang war gamemode.
This was my first gamemode release so the scripting is very basic. I would recommend using my TurfWar script instead. However this gamemode is very stable and has been run on an official server with 100 players and works fine.
This gamemode has
working gang zone/turf areas that can be taken by any team (i.e the area on the map will change colour to the killing teams colour)
There are11 gangs including 1 admin class (admin class can currently be accessed by any player atm, you will have to change this in your admin filterscript or make it rcon admin only.
The gangs are: grove, ballas, aztec, nang, army, cops, vagos, mafia, biker, triad and admin.
Features - Registration system
- Login System
- Gangzone Areas
- Automatic Jail System (which is configurable)
- Stats Saving for players
There are a number of gates which certain gangs can open and close using /opengate commands (admins can open all gates)
Admins get a /getinfo [playerid] command which tells an admin a players kills,deaths,in jail / not injail, money health etc
The Stats system saves money, kills, deaths and teamkills. and only saves for registered players
Any player can see there stats or another players stats by typing /stats ID
Teamchat is also included type: ! for team chat
I have not included other admin commands as i use an admin filterscript
All the gang areas and jail and Teamkill variable are easy to edit to your needs
Look for these at top of script to configure #define
DracoBlue - registation/login (dutils & dudb)
Version 1.0
Below PWN
Version 2.0
This version stops /kill and teamkills from sending gangzone message and flashing gang turf
BY LethaL
Re: [GM] Los Santos Gang War by LethaL (Working gang areas /turfs!) -
shitbird - 24.11.2007
it gives hell alot of erros when trying to re-compile, anyways of that sounds great.
Re: [GM] Los Santos Gang War by LethaL (Working gang areas /turfs!) -
Alejandro - 24.11.2007
very nice.
Re: [GM] Los Santos Gang War by LethaL (Working gang areas /turfs!) -
asteroid - 24.11.2007
Nice but wheres your dutils and other files.. u havent included them
Re: [GM] Los Santos Gang War by LethaL (Working gang areas /turfs!) -
Maikel - 24.11.2007
I have some errors, maybe forgot some define's?
Errors :
Re: [GM] Los Santos Gang War by LethaL (Working gang areas /turfs!) -
LethaL - 24.11.2007
Thanks for pointing that out on the .pwn
The defines are incorrect (i have updated many times so the names are wrong). You will have to rename them to what they are called further on in the script.
As for the dutils and dudb just include them at the top of the script e.g. #include <dutils>.
This must be an old version of the gamemode i will update the pastebin link asap.
Feedback Please
Have u found any bugs?
Do you like the gamemode?
Will you be using it on your server?
Re: [GM] Los Santos Gang War by LethaL (Working gang areas /turfs!) -
Maikel - 24.11.2007
Please update now, i want to look.
I cant fix it i need the good defines.
If you give that, i'm happy
Re: [GM] Los Santos Gang War by LethaL (Working gang areas /turfs!) -
Spik3 - 24.11.2007
Originally Posted by LethaL
Thanks for pointing that out on the .pwn
The defines are incorrect (i have updated many times so the names are wrong). You will have to rename them to what they are called further on in the script.
As for the dutils and dudb just include them at the top of the script e.g. #include <dutils>.
This must be an old version of the gamemode i will update the pastebin link asap.
Feedback Please
Have u found any bugs?
Do you like the gamemode?
Will you be using it on your server?
I recon you should update and fix everything yourself and then update , as some of new people to sa-mp cannot know what to fix , and people wont download it because of things like that.
Re: [GM] Los Santos Gang War by LethaL (Working gang areas /turfs!) -
LethaL - 24.11.2007
As i have said i will update asap.
put this at the top of the game (replace what is currently there) and it should work fine
#include <a_samp>
#include <dutils>
#include <dudb>
#include <core>
#include <float>
Gamemode by LethaL
<> This gamemode has working gang turf areas that can be taken by any team (i.e the area on the map will change colour by killing team)
<> Also register system and stats saving
<> Admin class is XtremeAdmin only (need to configure in your admin filterscript)
================================================================================ */
#define MAX_TEAMKILLS 3 //this is number of times b4 player is kicked
#define MAX_TEAMKILLS_FORJAIL 2 //this is number of times b4 player is jailed
#define JAIL_TIME_LENGTH 300000 //5 mins = 300000
#define REOWN_TURF 4 //this the number of kills necessry before the gang area/turf is reowned by a gang e.g. for grove to get ganton back from ballas
#define GANGAREA_TAKE 4 //number of kills b4 a gang takes another gangs turf
#define GANGAREA_WARNINGS 2 //number of kills before a warning message
Re: [GM] Los Santos Gang War by LethaL (Working gang areas /turfs!) -
XetaQuake - 24.11.2007
can you make a filterscript version? pleas