[GameMode] C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 - Printable Version
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C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
wuppiboy9 - 22.09.2010
I've scriptet a Cops and Robbers Script! It have 3 Teams with commands. You can check the CMDS with /help.
It haves Cops, Groove Street and Ballas.
- Register/Login per GUI (Dini)
- /help per GUI
- /adminhelp per dialog
- It haves an Adminsystem (5 Levels)
- Admins can give 2 houses with /givehaus1 and /givehaus2
- Over 2820 LINES!!
- scriptet in dcmd
- Premium with garage
- gTeams
- over 20 Admin Commands
Sorry but the script is in Beta-Phase. You can give me script ideas and then i will update it.
I come from Germany therefore sorry for my bad english. If you have questions about the script or something contact me. Please
don't remove my Copyright.
Re: C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
Jantjuh - 22.09.2010
hehe, niceee
Re: C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
Agovic - 22.09.2010
If you made it w/o ANY #include's [ except a_samp ] , maybe I'll download it
Re: C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
wups - 22.09.2010
Originally Posted by Agovic
If you made it w/o ANY #include's [ except a_samp ] , maybe I'll download it
Yes ofc., you can copy all the functions to the code
Why the heck do you need that?
Re: C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
Mimic - 22.09.2010
He said he's scripted in dcmd, so he has to have
lol unless I've read you wrong :L
Re: C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
SlashPT - 22.09.2010
dcmd its just one define Lol
and also anyone can copy the function or natives to the Script... :P
Re: C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
Basicz - 22.09.2010
Re: C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
Matej_ - 23.09.2010
Nice script, I gonna test it soon.
Re: C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
elec1shock - 23.09.2010
Can u post amx?
Re: C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
wuppiboy9 - 23.09.2010
Okay guys here's the amx: http://www.mediafire.com/?e347feekf8u40we
PS.: Yes it is scriptet with dcmd! The script has 10 Warnings but that are gates they don't use.
When i compile the script all is working fine.
Re: C-a-R Selfmade Beta 0.2 -
elec1shock - 23.09.2010