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[FilterScript] Shockey's Auto Repair | by Shockerz - Printable Version

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Shockey's Auto Repair | by Shockerz - Shockey - 15.09.2010

This is a auto repair FS I have made!! It is very simple and it uses a timer for this and when the car health gets to 999 it will repair!!!

Hope you like it and enjoy


Re: Shockey's Auto Repair | by Shockerz - Danielo - 15.09.2010

Nice ONE!

Re: Shockey's Auto Repair | by Shockerz - ~Ricky~ - 15.09.2010

There are so much of this scripts.

Re: Shockey's Auto Repair | by Shockerz - royal_king - 15.09.2010

davo another fail!! use i think its not needed of that much see this

SA-MP code
#include <a_samp>

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid){
if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) RepairVehicle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
return 1;
thats all this works fine in my server By the way i dint made this script!!!
Eros_174RUS(russian scripter my best frnd made this one)
this works great!!

Re: Shockey's Auto Repair | by Shockerz - wups - 15.09.2010

Originally Posted by royal_king[xXx]
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davo another fail!! use i think its not needed of that much see this

SA-MP code
#include <a_samp>

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid){
if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) RepairVehicle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
return 1;
thats all this works fine in my server By the way i dint made this script!!!
Eros_174RUS(russian scripter my best frnd made this one)
this works great!!
Yes, indeed - to code this script it must took him a while

Re: Shockey's Auto Repair | by Shockerz - Shockey - 16.09.2010

It's not a fail it's just how I script now leave me alone

Re: Shockey's Auto Repair | by Shockerz - Retardedwolf - 16.09.2010

Would be better.

Re: Shockey's Auto Repair | by Shockerz - Kyosaur - 16.09.2010

@royal_king[xXx] Your friend's is just as bad as the OP's. You're repairing the players vehicle on every update, which is just not needed (i use every 26 updates). Also you/your friend need to read ******' code optimizations thread (read the section regarding vehicle checks).

@Retardedwolf No, that would be worse. OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate is only called when a vehicle is VISUALLY damaged, and not all vehicles can get visually damaged (ie the NRG500).