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Hide 3d text labels? - Printable Version

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Hide 3d text labels? - DiddyBop - 12.09.2010

how can i hide 3d text labels for players above there head?

similar to..
ShowPlayerNameTagForPlayer(playerid, (playerid of being hidden), false);

Re: Hide 3d text labels? - Cameltoe - 12.09.2010

Please describe this better. creates an label for ONE player, you could just remove it? not sure what u mean.

Re: Hide 3d text labels? - DiddyBop - 12.09.2010

When a player connects, it creates the label, When they spawn, it attachs then updates the label and palces it above there head for other players to see.

Now pretend your making a movie, you dont want to see there name or label, you disable name, but you can still see there label, I want to be able to disable the label for One person (aka the person recording), While other players can still see it

Re: Hide 3d text labels? - DiddyBop - 14.09.2010

Anybody know?

Re: Hide 3d text labels? - Retardedwolf - 14.09.2010


Re: Hide 3d text labels? - DiddyBop - 14.09.2010

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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Then other people wouldnt see it.. i want to disable for 1 person

Re: Hide 3d text labels? - Scenario - 14.09.2010

You cannot hide the label for 1 player. You can remove the label all together, but not hide it. Why don't you remove the labels for awhile and use the regular labels. You can toggle them by pressing F7.

Re: Hide 3d text labels? - Hijolion - 14.09.2010

You can simply hide them by updating the label with no strings. It's maybe chances of crash.

Re: Hide 3d text labels? - willsuckformoney - 14.09.2010

How about making your own function for it? I'm sure it wont be hard.

Re: Hide 3d text labels? - Elmin - 16.09.2010

u can try this, i hope it will help u:
__________________________________________________ ______________
new hidechat[MAX_PLAYERS];
new to_others[MAX_CHATBUBBLE_LENGTH+1];
format(to_others,MAX_CHATBUBBLE_LENGTH,"Says: %s",text);
SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid,to_others,MESSAGE_COL OR,35.0,10000);
__________________________________________________ ______________

if (strcmp("/hidechat", cmdtext, true) == 0)
hidechat[playerid] == 1

if (strcmp("/unhidechat", cmdtext, true) == 0)
hidechat[playerid] == 0

if( hidechat[playerid] == 1)
SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid,to_others,MESSAGE_COL OR,0,0); // its important to add at the end two zero's
} else SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid,to_others,MESSAGE_COL OR,35.0,10000);
__________________________________________________ _______
i think u know the rest