CreateVehicle, Respawndelay -1 Bug -
Blokkmonsta - 11.09.2010
The Wiki says about the respawn_delay param: The delay until the car is respawned without a driver in seconds
(-1 to never respawn).
But wenn i use "CreateVehicle(X, X.X, X.X, X.X, X.X, 0, 0,
-1);" the vehicle still respawn after a while.
Re: CreateVehicle, Respawndelay -1 Bug -
gamer931215 - 11.09.2010
Originally Posted by Blokkmonsta
The Wiki says about the respawn_delay param: The delay until the car is respawned without a driver in seconds (-1 to never respawn).
But wenn i use "CreateVehicle(X, X.X, X.X, X.X, X.X, 0, 0, -1);" the vehicle still respawn after a while.
Thats right and isnt a bug i think. I think those respawn param is for when an vehicle has not been used. When it dies it will still respawn, but when you leave it somewhere it wont respawn on its spawn position until it dies.
AW: CreateVehicle, Respawndelay -1 Bug -
Blokkmonsta - 11.09.2010
is there a way to made the vehicle only respawn when it dies?
Re: AW: CreateVehicle, Respawndelay -1 Bug -
Sky4D - 11.09.2010
Originally Posted by Blokkmonsta
is there a way to made the vehicle only respawn when it dies?
AW: Re: AW: CreateVehicle, Respawndelay -1 Bug -
Blokkmonsta - 11.09.2010
Originally Posted by Sky4D
No, the Vehicle respawns after a few minutes.
AW: CreateVehicle, Respawndelay -1 Bug -
Meta - 11.09.2010
use 99999999999 as respawndelay
AW: CreateVehicle, Respawndelay -1 Bug -
privatecitypage - 12.09.2010
Mach doch einfach eine Rechnung ...
AddStaticVehicleEx ( x, x, x, x, x, x, x, 1000000000 * 1000000000 * 1000000000 );
Oder mach es als float.
new respawnafter = float:15000000*150*150*150;
kannst ja auch ein random nutzen, es gibt viele mittel
naja wenn man das aussrechnet sind es "50625000000000" sekunden