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[FilterScript] TextDraw Votekick System - Printable Version

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TextDraw Votekick System Version 2 - PinkFloydLover - 10.09.2010

Cale's Votekick System!
Hey guys, I just finished making this for my own server when I decided to upload it and share it with everyone.


* Complete Textdraw, displaying "Votekick on blah 1/5 votes", the 1/5 bit goes up by the /vote.
* Players can type /votekick <ID> <Reason> to vote somebody out.
* Half of the server's players need to vote to kick, so if there is 10 people online it will need 5 players.
* Players type /vote to continue on with the vote.
* 20 second timer before the votekick is canceled.
* Players cannot /votekick an admin.

Version 2:
* Added a visible countdown, the countdown restarts everytime someone /votes, the end of the countdown means the votekick has failed
* An admin command to stop the votekick (/votestop)

Version 2.5
* Fixed a small bug, the countdown wasn't working properly.

2 Shared
(note. the download only includes the .pwn)

Open the .pwn file and compile it, then add to your server.cfg filterscripts line "Votekick".


Please post any bugs

Re: TextDraw Votekick System - SunnyBoy - 10.09.2010


Re: TextDraw Votekick System - Jay_ - 10.09.2010

Megaupload lol...

Try 2shared, Patsebin, or one of the other few out there that don't have shitty advertisements and 60 second download waits.

Re: TextDraw Votekick System - PinkFloydLover - 10.09.2010

Okay, added a pastebin link

Re: TextDraw Votekick System - vyper - 10.09.2010

nice fs

Re: TextDraw Votekick System - royal_king - 10.09.2010

nice fs good job mate

Re: TextDraw Votekick System - HyperZ - 10.09.2010

Nice Work.

Re: TextDraw Votekick System - Jantjuh - 11.09.2010

cool fs

Re: TextDraw Votekick System - DOBLE_ZETA - 11.09.2010

well... megaupload has insane downloads speeds, when your downloading 700mb movies or big stuff megaupload is BADASS, but i have to agree with you a script not even 1mb should be downloaded from places where u dont have to wait, NEVER TRY RAPIDSHARE, they are the worst! big long waits and on top of that SLOOOOOOW downloads.

Re: TextDraw Votekick System - Lzy - 21.05.2016

Originally Posted by PinkFloydLover
View Post
Okay, added a pastebin link
Where is the pastebin link ?