Seeds4Weed - Dynamic Drug System (Plant, pickup, sell) -
HadFuny - 08.09.2010
This is a drug system, you can buy seeds, then plant them and pick them up 10 minutes later.
It's completly dynamic, you pay $10 per seed and you can sell the weed for $15 each.
Of course prices and wait time can be changed.
Everything will be saved in variables with dudb so nothing will be lost van you disconnect.
If you have any question or you just wanna say thanks just post!
/buyseeds [ammount]
/plantseeds [ammount]
/sellweed [ammount]
* Dutils
* Dini
* Dudb
Re: Seeds4Weed - Dynamic Drug System (Plant, pickup, sell) -
SunnyBoy - 08.09.2010
where you can buy seeds? just need to type /buyseeds [ammount] ?
Re: Seeds4Weed - Dynamic Drug System (Plant, pickup, sell) -
rbN. - 08.09.2010
Maybe it's better if you only do it on a certain position (/buyseeds).. like, i dont think you can really buy seeds at a police center ^^.
Re: Seeds4Weed - Dynamic Drug System (Plant, pickup, sell) -
HadFuny - 08.09.2010
I thought it would be easier that the one who who uses it decided how he edits the script..
But will make a updated version XD
Re: Seeds4Weed - Dynamic Drug System (Plant, pickup, sell) -
HadFuny - 09.09.2010
Re: Seeds4Weed - Dynamic Drug System (Plant, pickup, sell) -
Ivan_Pantovic - 11.09.2010
Great system , and for Sunny Boy , you can edit it by yourself , can't you ?
Re: Seeds4Weed - Dynamic Drug System (Plant, pickup, sell) -
SunnyBoy - 11.09.2010
Originally Posted by Ivan_Pantovic
Great system , and for Sunny Boy , you can edit it by yourself , can't you ?
i can...just asking ,mkay?
Re: Seeds4Weed - Dynamic Drug System (Plant, pickup, sell) -
avtooo - 11.09.2010
when use /plantweed Object is appearing?
Re: Seeds4Weed - Dynamic Drug System (Plant, pickup, sell) -
Th3Angel - 11.09.2010
Can you tell me where to get duutils, dudb, and dini please?
Re: Seeds4Weed - Dynamic Drug System (Plant, pickup, sell) -
Mark_Weston - 11.09.2010
Originally Posted by Th3Angel
Can you tell me where to get duutils, dudb, and dini please?
Search bot duh'
or ******