some questions / help. -
AndriusZ* - 04.09.2010
hello all,
im creating TDM server, and i got some questions...
1) well, im using TM cars, and players system (gTeam).. and how can i do that: when ~10players join to Yakuza, another players cant join yakuza? t.y max players in one team - 10.
2) hmm, i really idk, how can i do that: player can join SWAT team, if he doesnt got score than <2000
Re: some questions / help. -
AndriusZ* - 04.09.2010
update, help.
Re: some questions / help. -
Ironboy500[TW] - 04.09.2010
1) and 2) is just playing with some variables. Search.
Re: some questions / help. -
Dime - 04.09.2010
You can bump topics when the last reply is at least 12 hours old, and it needs to have useful information about your problem
All your answers are at 'click'
Re: some questions / help. -
LarzI - 04.09.2010
1. Try something like this:
pawn Код:
//global var
new gTeamCount[ MAX_TEAMS ]; //change MAX_TEAMS with the number of teams you got
pawn Код:
//when a player joins a team
if( gTeamCount[ ID_OF_TEAM ] == 10 ) //change ID_OF_TEAM with the actual ID of the team
SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "There are already max players in this team, chose another one!" );
//do whatever you want
gTeamCount[ ID_OF_TEAM ]++;
2. Use GetPlayerScore:
pawn Код:
//when a player tries to join SWAT team
if( GetPlayerScore( playerid ) < 2000 )
return SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "This team requires 2000 score!" );
These are just examples, play around with it
Re: some questions / help. -
Ironboy500[TW] - 04.09.2010
//when a player joins a team
if( gTeamCount[ ID_OF_TEAM ] == 10 ) //change ID_OF_TEAM with the actual ID of the team
SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "There are already max players in this team, chose another one!" );
return 0;
return gTeamCount[ ID_OF_TEAM ]++;
You forgot on return 0;
Re: some questions / help. -
LarzI - 04.09.2010
I wrote that for a reason..
Maybe he wanted to go back some steps or w/e, so I cba to put return false there.
Re: some questions / help. -
Ironboy500[TW] - 04.09.2010
Ok, my mistake.
Re: some questions / help. -
LarzI - 04.09.2010
No problem. ^^
Re: some questions / help. -
AndriusZ* - 04.09.2010
well, im tryied some like this:
if (GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == Nostra)
if( GetPlayerScore( playerid ) < 2000 )
SendClientMessage(playerid, MELYNA2,"* TESTZ");
return 0;}
( on RequestSpawn )
no errors, etc but im with 0score can join...