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is this possible? - Printable Version

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is this possible? - Code_Red - 04.09.2010

ive just been into some mini mission servers and i saw they change into a random GM each time they have a restart , is this possible? or do they just write all of that in one GM?

Re: is this possible? - WillyP - 04.09.2010


newrand gm

and put like 12gm's in 1 rather than all of the different ones in a line at server.cfg

Re: is this possible? - Cameltoe - 04.09.2010

new gm = random(1,5)
SendRconCommand("gamemode %d",gm);

Should get you the idea of were to start, im pretty sure that dosn't work, but nvm ull get the idea!

Re: is this possible? - Hiddos - 04.09.2010

pawn Код:
new GMs[][32] = {

stock LoadRandomGm()
  new string[43];
  format(string, sizeof string, "changemode %s", GMs[random(sizeof GMs)]);
Might get some errors at the format(string, bla) crap, but something like that should do the trick.

Place all your GMs in a variable and random them.

Re: is this possible? - Code_Red - 04.09.2010

ill try that^