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i need help with streaming objects - Printable Version

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i need help with streaming objects - seifo - 04.09.2010

My problem is:
I would convert the objects and add them to the GM and ingame it wont show

I've tried mido's streamer, which needed me to convert into a CreateStreamObject, but it still wouldent show

then i tried Fallouts steamer, That needed me to conver into F_somthing , still same problem it would show only like 2 objects out of everything.

please if anyone knows the problem or has a different way to stream objects please post about it.
Yes i am new at this but every one was a beginner at one stage

Re: i need help with streaming objects - iggy1 - 04.09.2010

Try using incognito's streamer plugin, also make sure you have 0.3b includes. you can quickly convert Code at convertffs.

Incognitos streamer

Re: i need help with streaming objects - seifo - 04.09.2010

would it matter if it was like a 0.2x GM but i inserted it in a 0.3b client folder?

Re: i need help with streaming objects - iggy1 - 04.09.2010

Just re-compile the GM if its 0.2. Objects compiled with any version below 0.3b wont show on a 0.3b server afaik.

Re: i need help with streaming objects - seifo - 04.09.2010

well i deleted the old objects and tried a new one that i just made in MTA still no positive reaction, but ill try the one u recommended and reply in a few minutes

Re: i need help with streaming objects - iggy1 - 04.09.2010

Also you might want to delete your 0.2/0.3a pawno compiler just to make sure that when you open a .pwn file the new pawno opens the file and not the old one. Check for the http function in the function list on the right hand side of pawno. If http is not at the top you are compiling with an older version of the includes.

Re: i need help with streaming objects - seifo - 04.09.2010

It has HTTP so yea im compiling with the new pwno

Re: i need help with streaming objects - seifo - 04.09.2010

btw mind showing me how it works, if it is'nt to much to ask
i understand if you dont want to.

Re: i need help with streaming objects - iggy1 - 04.09.2010

How what works m8?

Re: i need help with streaming objects - seifo - 04.09.2010

still not showing objects, I had a map converted it to

CreateDynamicobject, and nothing shows up. is there any stream distance i need to fix up or somthing?