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samp bug - ReVo_ - 03.09.2010

Look video :
Omg? How is it possible? I could go into the player O.O

Re: samp bug - willsuckformoney - 03.09.2010

1. Wrong Place
2. Its maybe your mods
3. Your surfing a airplane that's another possible reason

Re: samp bug - iggy1 - 03.09.2010

I'v seen this bug too (no mods) sometimes i can drive straight through a player but not very often (maybe hax i dunno)

Re: samp bug - willsuckformoney - 03.09.2010

oh it can also be when a player is jumping the get glitched into ground but they show above ground, common samp glitch i see all time

Re: samp bug - iggy1 - 03.09.2010

Not when it happened to me one minute the player was non-solid the next minute solid again. All the time he was above ground on both mine and the players screen.
Didn't happen once in 0.3a.

Re: samp bug - willsuckformoney - 03.09.2010

lol it happened a lot in 0.3a & 0.3b on both screens your above ground but to the game your underground but froze like for a few but you can still move around and jump but you wont move places

Re: samp bug - iggy1 - 03.09.2010

Originally Posted by willsuckformoney
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lol it happened a lot in 0.3a & 0.3b on both screens your above ground but to the game your underground but froze like for a few but you can still move around and jump but you wont move places
I never said that didnt happen in 0.3a.

What i'm saing didn't happen in 0.3a (at least never once to me or anyone i know) is players never became non-solid. forget about falling through the floor thats obviously not whats happening here. As you said people wont see the glitched player move, when this bug has happened to me the player was running.

Re: samp bug - Slice - 03.09.2010

It's always like that when you're surfing a vehicle.