Help please -
odlemoreten - 02.09.2010
I wanna buy Server host on
What do i need to do ? to host my server on that?
Re: Help please -
JaTochNietDan - 02.09.2010
Select how many players you want your server to be able to support, how many months you want to rent it for and click order. Then simply select a payment method and pay, the server should be online instantly once a payment is made
Re: Help please -
odlemoreten - 02.09.2010
Okay, But How to put my script into it?: )
Re: Help please -
JaTochNietDan - 02.09.2010
Originally Posted by odlemoreten
Okay, But How to put my script into it?: )
Once your server is set up, you'll get details for FTP or probably be able to use a web interface, then you can upload your script to the gamemodes directory as normal
If you need any more help with serverFFS, you should just look into their help services
Re: Help please -
odlemoreten - 02.09.2010
Thanks For the help =