SetTimerEx for objects -
Sascha - 01.09.2010
I made a timer which is constantly checking if a player is in range of several points...
those points are points of gates which should auto-open and auto-close..
the opening is no problem though...
For the close I wanted to do some kind of "SetTimerEx" and use "objectid" instead of "playerid"...
it doesn't work -.-
Here is what I got, maybe you can fix it or can tell me how to
forward moveback(objectid);
forward gatecheck(objectid);
public gatecheck(objectid)
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++){
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 8.0,1550.27575684,-1698.06298828,27.36819077) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 8.0,1544.19995117,-1630.96655273,12.38281250)){
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 8.0, 1550.27575684,-1698.06298828,27.36819077)){
if(PlayerFaction[i][police] == 1){
if(ObjectData[lspdg1][down] == 0){
MoveObject(lspdg1, 1550.27539062,-1698.06250000,12.61819077, 1.00);
SetTimerEx("moveback", 5000, false, "i", objectid);
ObjectData[lspdg1][down] = 1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 8.0, 1544.19995117,-1630.96655273,12.38281250)){
if(PlayerFaction[i][police] == 1){
if(ObjectData[lspdg2][down] == 0){
MoveObject(lspdg2,1544.17443848,-1623.71582031,12.38281250, 2.00);
SetTimerEx("moveback", 5000, false, "i", objectid);
ObjectData[lspdg2][down] = 1;
return 1;
public moveback(objectid)
if(objectid == lspdg1){
ObjectData[lspdg1][down] = 0;
MoveObject(lspdg1,1550.27575684,-1698.06298828,27.36819077, 1.00);
}else if(objectid == lspdg2){
ObjectData[lspdg2][down] = 0;
MoveObject(lspdg2,1544.19995117,-1630.96655273,12.38281250, 2.00);
return 1;
Re: SetTimerEx for objects -
smallo - 01.09.2010
The gate isn't closing because the old timer is still checking if the user is within range of the gate and re-opening it constantly.
Re: SetTimerEx for objects -
Sascha - 01.09.2010
no... it doesn't close, too when I'm already out of the range... also you can see:
ObjectData[lspdg2][down].... if it is moved down it is set to 1 so it won't be moved until it is reopened...
Re: SetTimerEx for objects -
Nero_3D - 01.09.2010
Maybe because the variable objectid is empty ?
and why does gatecheck even have a parameter?
Your problem was that you put objectid in SetTimerEx but in objectid was nothing saved
So you only need to put lspdg1 / lspdg2 instead of objectid in there
And here your code reworked since you checked for the area twice
pawn Код:
forward gatecheck();
public gatecheck()
for(new i; i != MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
else if(PlayerFaction[i][police] == 1) {
if(ObjectData[lspdg1][down] == 0) {
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 8.0, 1550.27575684, -1698.06298828, 27.36819077)) {
ObjectData[lspdg1][down] = true;
MoveObject(lspdg1, 1550.27539062, -1698.06250000, 12.61819077, 1.00) + 2000,
false, "i", lspdg1);
if(ObjectData[lspdg2][down] == 0) {
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 8.0, 1544.19995117, -1630.96655273, 12.38281250)) {
ObjectData[lspdg2][down] = true;
MoveObject(lspdg2, 1544.17443848, -1623.71582031, 12.38281250, 2.00) + 2000,
false, "i", lspdg2);
And to the question why MoveObject is in SetTimerEx, MoveObject returns the time it will take for the object to move in milliseconds plus 2 seconds to stay opend