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Web is SA-MP - MacOSXFan - 31.08.2010

is there a way you can make a web box in samp,like

1.user types /laptop-web
and then a dialouge of the webpage would show with a search bar?

Re: Web is SA-MP - Toni - 31.08.2010

In short - No.

Re: Web is SA-MP - Kevin_Joshen - 31.08.2010

I've seen it once or twice, and seen "In Game" websites.. but never something real brought up in a game, such as ******.com. I think it's possible, but would require MAJOR trial and error.

Re: Web is SA-MP - Mark_Weston - 31.08.2010

Might be cool if it was possible

Re: Web is SA-MP - Saurik - 01.09.2010

it would be slow and would lag like shit

Re: Web is SA-MP - Grim_ - 01.09.2010

Originally Posted by Saurik
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it would be slow and would lag like shit
You couldn't be sure without actually trying it out!

Re: Web is SA-MP - Saurik - 01.09.2010

Originally Posted by Grim_
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You couldn't be sure without actually trying it out!
how would you expect to have a fast internet ig ? .. doesnt make any sense

Re: Web is SA-MP - Grim_ - 01.09.2010

Loading a basic webpage on a crap internet connection still only takes a few seconds. I'm sure players wouldn't mind waiting those extra seconds to actually get live webpages in-game.

Re: Web is SA-MP - Norn - 01.09.2010

Quite possible, I'm not sure what these people are talking about it "lagging", it would lag as much as everything else In SA-MP.

Re: Web is SA-MP - Hiddos - 04.09.2010

Originally Posted by Saurik
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how would you expect to have a fast internet ig ? .. doesnt make any sense
Having 35 ping and no packet loss is already having internet, and loading a few extra kilobytes wouldn't hurt.

Would be cool, especially for roleplay servers. People would need to get to the internet cafe to sign up for a job ^^

To Westie: Steam is only here to destroy games, it comes with no positives except the no-cd stuff.