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[FilterScript] Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - Printable Version

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Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - Scarface~ - 30.08.2010

So after using this small system on my Gamemode i've decided to Release it,
People on the server i script for have had a alot of fun with this, its a garage system
you can park a car in it, but i've added a pickup where you can buy guns and a entrance
and the front of the house where you press ENTER to enter the house, it could be usefull
as a Gang HQ or something, It is very simple Just thought i'd share it with others.

Screenshot of this:


/Garageopen - Opens the garage.
/Garageclose - Closes the garage.
/buystraps - Will bring up a menu to buy guns off.

Download : Hash's Garage System!

Re: Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - Danielo - 30.08.2010

Lav it !

Re: Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - willsuckformoney - 30.08.2010

Nice, could use this for my little project

Re: Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - sergio_xd - 30.08.2010

Creative. Keep it up

Re: Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - Yamoo - 30.08.2010

Nice work pal.

Re: Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - Scarface~ - 01.09.2010

Thanks guys!

Re: Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - FireCat - 01.09.2010

i dont want to reck the good mood but its not hard making a moving object like see the tutorials or auto gates but good work

Re: Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - VantagePoint - 02.09.2010

Like FireCat said, it's not hard to make a moving object, but i do like the weapon purchase system too, adds a nice extra, so good work!

Re: Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - Luka P. - 02.09.2010

Nice one!

Re: Gang HQ/Moving Garage. - royal_king - 02.09.2010

coooooooooool awesome i will use this thnx