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This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - Printable Version

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This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - Souvlaki - 25.08.2010

Well I woke up before a couple of hours and I decided to make a simple TDM script cause of boredom.Well I've started setting up the account system using Djson.I decided to add some Test Classes so I can run the server to test the registration system.I went IG and nothing.I can register/login but I can't spawn or select class.I looked all over the place for similar issues but nothing...Can you take a minute to check my script?Any help would really be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Re: This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - Souvlaki - 25.08.2010

This is what happens..

(oops sorry for the bump..I should use "Edit")

Re: This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - Retardedwolf - 25.08.2010

Try forcing the character to class selection.

Re: This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - Souvlaki - 25.08.2010

Originally Posted by EllipseRage
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Try forcing the character to class selection.
Thanks for your help but unfortunately I tried it but nothing changed..

Re: This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - Voldemort - 25.08.2010

EDIT: I guess you have some, major issuse because there won't appear << >> Spawn buttons, you not connect to server till "end", you stop in like half way

Re: This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - LarzI - 25.08.2010

Try doing
pawn Код:

Re: This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - Souvlaki - 25.08.2010

Originally Posted by LarzI
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Try doing
pawn Код:
Thanks but...Nope :S

Re: This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - Souvlaki - 25.08.2010

Sorry but this is driving crazy...**Bump**

Re: This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - Vince - 25.08.2010

Try to remove the OnPlayerCommandText callback. It tends to conflict with zcmd.

Re: This is kinda embarrassing(Class Request Issue) - Souvlaki - 25.08.2010

Originally Posted by Vince
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Try to remove the OnPlayerCommandText callback. It tends to conflict with zcmd.
I removed it and forced skin class and everything but nothing...Thanks anyways