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Spawn Bug? - Printable Version

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Spawn Bug? - [NWA]Hannes - 24.08.2010

I have this error that evry time someone connect to my server they freeze when they spawnk, i dont know why tough, i think it can be because of that i removed random spawns but im not sure...

Re: Spawn Bug? - Pawno_Master - 24.08.2010

Mhm.. I don't know your script but this could help:

under samp include:

forward pUnfreeze(playerid);
Under OnPlayerSpawn:

SetTimerEx("pUnfreeze", 5000, false, "i", playerid);
Somewhere in the script ( Not in a callback )

public pUnfreeze(playerid)
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, true);
return 1;