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Dini or Fwrite (etc..) - Claude - 24.08.2010

What do you prefer using and what is faster?
Currently I have having strange problems with fwrite, but I want to know if dini is easier and faster
I don't want answers like "Use that ...", keep it ontopic, hate offtopics

Re: Dini or Fwrite (etc..) - SaW_[VrTx] - 24.08.2010

Well, dini isn't hard and isn't easy. And dini is much faster. I would prefer you to use Dini.

Re: Dini or Fwrite (etc..) - Calgon - 24.08.2010

MySQL! (8 chars)

Re: Dini or Fwrite (etc..) - SaW_[VrTx] - 24.08.2010

Originally Posted by Calgon
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MySQL! (8 chars)
That's a big mistake. I have used mysql 2 times. Mysql is so got damn slow, when server attemptd to connect and store data in database, server doesn't respond for 0.5 - 1.0 sec. DINI doesn't de-code anything or connect to anywhere. It's much faster.

Re: Dini or Fwrite (etc..) - Calgon - 24.08.2010

Originally Posted by SaW_[VrTx]
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That's a big mistake. I have used mysql 2 times. Mysql is so got damn slow, when server attemptd to connect and store data in database, server doesn't respond for 0.5 - 1.0 sec. DINI doesn't de-code anything or connect to anywhere. It's much faster.
Your knowledge of the use of MySQL is evidently poor then, because MySQL prevails (when used properly/efficiently) - I pretty much have just proven my point, because you probably failed with your code, it doesn't take that long to process a query (it might, though, depending on the size of the query data returned/sent, which would probably have to be huge anyway).

Re: Dini or Fwrite (etc..) - Claude - 24.08.2010

sdfdsfdsfsf, I said no offtopic
Can you post all functions from dini, I know only these

Re: Dini or Fwrite (etc..) - Vince - 24.08.2010

Open with notepad and see yourself ...

Re: Dini or Fwrite (etc..) - playbox12 - 24.08.2010

I agree with Calgon, and Claude you asked what do we use, he gave you his opninion but as you are the topic starter I will follow your rule

Dini is indeed faster, its easier and the code looks cleaner with it

Here the Dini native functions
pawn Код:
native dini_Exists(filename[])
native dini_Remove(filename[])
native dini_Create(filename[])
native dini_Set(filename[],key[],value[])
native dini_IntSet(filename[],key[],value)
native dini_Int(filename[],key[])
native dini_FloatSet(filename[],key[],Float:value)
native Float:dini_Float(filename[],key[])
native dini_Bool(filename[],key[])
native dini_BoolSet(filename[],key[],value)
native dini_Unset(filename[],key[])
native dini_Get(filename[],key[])
native dini_Isset(filename[],key[])
native DINI_StripNewLine(string[])
native DINI_fcopytextfile(oldname[],newname[])
On a side note, I'd personaly (like calgon) prefer mysql, its easier then it looks, more dynamic, faster.

Re: Dini or Fwrite (etc..) - Claude - 24.08.2010

A little question, if I have a stats saver when player disconnects, and I forgot one "Dini" function (e.g. password), does my file gets cleaned and then it writes again? (like fopen(file, io_write)

Re: Dini or Fwrite (etc..) - Calgon - 24.08.2010

Originally Posted by Claude
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A little question, if I have a stats saver when player disconnects, and I forgot one "Dini" function (e.g. password), does my file gets cleaned and then it writes again? (like fopen(file, io_write)
No (8 chars).