How to make a driving vehicle NPC -
Sayaron - 23.08.2010
This guide was originaly made to help a friend to make an NPC, and while I where looping through my server files, I found it and tough somebody else could get use for it. Most people already know how to make an NPC, and somebody may have a greater tutorial than me, but its still worth sharing as some people may find it useful.
I did not include onfoot NPCs as I havent touched this since I made it for my friend, and he only needed to learn how to make an NPC that drives a vehicle. I have also not included how to record an NPC, so you will need to get a NPC record by your own
The tutorial/guide or what you want to call it, is in a .pwn file, so I wont explain any further here
If there is showing up problems with this, please contact me so I can help you with the problem
Ways to see the guide:
Download (PAWN only):
Dirrect download (Recommended):
pawn Code:
NPC Help by Sayaron
This is a small guide that helps you to make NPCs in vehicles
What is required for it to work?:
-A NPC record (Use the filterscript npc_record wich is included in the sa-mp folder at download. The file will be in "npcmodes" > "recordings")
-A npcmode that reefers to the NPC record (Look in the folder "npcmodes" to see how its done)
#include <a_samp>
new YourVehicle; // The name of your vehicle
public OnGameModeInit()
ConnectNPC("YourNPC","RecordName"); // The name of your NPC and the record. The record need to match an record with the same name. The NPC name can be anything
YourVehicle = AddStaticVehicle(448,2076.4067,2227.7834,10.4165,178.8465,6,6); // Creating your vehicle, this can be done ingame by typing /save. Then go to your SA-MP folder and find the folder "savedpositions"
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if(!IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 0; // If the player is not a NPC, nothing will happend
new playername[64]; //Player String
GetPlayerName(playerid,playername,64); //This is to get the NPC's name
if(!strcmp(playername, "YourNPC", true)) { // Detecting if the NPC is spawned. If it is not spawned or the name is wrong, nothing will happend
SetSpawnInfo( playerid, 0, 255, 1958.33, 1343.12, 15.36, 269.15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
//SetSpawnInfo( playerid, Team, Skin, x, y, z, rotation, weapon1, ammo for weapon1, w2, ammo2, w3, ammo3 );
SetPlayerColor(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF); // Chose any color you want, this is currently white
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, YourVehicle, 0);
//PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vehiclename, seat);
return 1;
// This is to stop remote bots to connect, it will only let your bots connect
// If you dont want it, you may remove it
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
new ip_addr_npc[64+1];
new ip_addr_server[64+1];
if(!strlen(ip_addr_server)) {
ip_addr_server = "";
if(strcmp(ip_addr_npc,ip_addr_server,true) != 0) {
// this bot is remote connecting
printf("NPC: Got a remote NPC connecting from %s and I'm kicking it.",ip_addr_npc);
return 0;
printf("NPC: Connection from %s is allowed.",ip_addr_npc);
return 1;
EDIT: I just found a great link for making NPCs. The main reason I put the link here, is that it can help with recording an NPC:
Re: How to make a driving vehicle NPC -
aceisnice - 24.08.2010
were do they save to?
Re: How to make a driving vehicle NPC -
Sayaron - 24.08.2010
Originally Posted by aceisnice
were do they save to?
What? You just make this as a filterscript, but nothing saves anywhere
Re: How to make a driving vehicle NPC -
JonnyDeadly - 25.04.2011
nice tutorial. This will help me in the future times
Re: How to make a driving vehicle NPC -
ckdut - 15.06.2011
If my server have register / login system what this way work ?
Re: How to make a driving vehicle NPC -
alpha500delta - 16.06.2011
Originally Posted by ckdut
If my server have register / login system what this way work ?
Make an exception in your registerering system by using if(!IsPlayerNPC) if it's NOT a npc, or GetPlayerName (not sure if that works)
Re: How to make a driving vehicle NPC -
sasoy907 - 16.06.2011
help my vehicle npc , stuck with player vehicle . how to fix it ?
Re: How to make a driving vehicle NPC -
AgungP - 28.08.2013
WTF its work... Thx.. +REP
Re: How to make a driving vehicle NPC -
Luis- - 28.08.2013
Originally Posted by Sayaron
What? You just make this as a filterscript, but nothing saves anywhere
Actually, you're wrong. The .rec file gets saved in the npc folder.
Re: How to make a driving vehicle NPC -
ammaz - 16.07.2015
Can anyone give me the correct code of allowing NPCs through login / register area?