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[HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - Printable Version

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[HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - nepstep - 21.08.2010

hello guys, im newbie on scripting ^^
and i want your help..
i need to create something similar to this:
if( newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER )
	    if( model == 490 || model == 445 || model == 427 || GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == phel )
		    if( gTeam[playerid] != TEAM )
            	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "BLA BLA BLA");
but no with model ids
with car colors..
for example if car color is 86,86
the player who is not in the team will be removed...
please help me , and sorry for my bad english , i hope you'll understand :P

Re: [HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - Mike_Peterson - 21.08.2010

i dont think its possible with the default sa-mp functions, sorry.

Re: [HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - willsuckformoney - 21.08.2010

This could help.

Re: [HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - boelie - 21.08.2010

i think you just have to replace

if( model == 490 || model == 445 || model == 427 || GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == phel )



wait a minute...i dont think you can check carcolors..hangon XD..

EDIT: there are other ways to do it why dont you tell me wich teams you have and wich vehicles you want them to enter or not enter. after that im sure more people are able to help you out

Re: [HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - ScottCFR - 21.08.2010

you will have to make the colors with id's as in..
pawn Код:
new COLOR1 = CreateVehicle...
Then check if they enter that car.

Re: [HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - nepstep - 21.08.2010

Originally Posted by boelie
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i think you just have to replace

if( model == 490 || model == 445 || model == 427 || GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == phel )



wait a minute...i dont think you can check carcolors..hangon XD..

EDIT: there are other ways to do it why dont you tell me wich teams you have and wich vehicles you want them to enter or not enter. after that im sure more people are able to help you out
i want both teams using same cars so i can't put cars ids..
i just want to find a way exiting the character depending on car color..

Originally Posted by ScottCFR
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you will have to make the colors with id's as in..
pawn Код:
new COLOR1 = CreateVehicle...
Then check if they enter that car.
can you be more specified because im totally newb xd

Re: [HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - willsuckformoney - 21.08.2010

Team Cars - Based on Player's gTeam

Re: [HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - boelie - 21.08.2010

i can send you an filterscript i made. compile will give you errors but im sure you if you read it you'll learn from it
pm me with your msn adress if you want me to send it to you

Re: [HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - nepstep - 21.08.2010

Originally Posted by willsuckformoney
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i've read it all before you send it but is to difficult to work on my server because i won't spawn 1 or 2 cars, i will spawn whole pages xD

by the way thank you for your fast support.

Re: [HELP]RemovePlayerFromVehicle depending on color.. - boelie - 21.08.2010

Originally Posted by nepstep
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i've read it all before you send it but is to difficult to work on my server because i won't spawn 1 or 2 cars, i will spawn whole pages xD

by the way thank you for your fast support.
A yea..thats a problem...i tried to set vehicles into a value while they were spawning in a surtain area
i didnt finish that script but in theory it should work and you could have teamvehicles as many as you want without setting them into a value one by one.